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If you're struggling to understand why you can't shoot the perfect card then this short guide may help you discover what's not quite right. If your groupings looks like one of these diagrams then the possible causes are listed next to them.


As helpful as this is it can only be a guide, and as you'll see, there are often several possible reasons.


Try one correction at a time, and give it a chance to make a difference before moving onto the next possible solution.

shooting errors 01.png
  • Tension in left arm

  • Sling too tight

  • Excessive cheek pressure

  • Excessive shoulder pressure
    (shoulder too tense)

shooting errors 02.png
  • Breathing incorrectly
    Only release trigger after you have totally exhaled and have a perfect sight picture

shooting errors 03.png
  • Left elbow too far out

  • Pressure from left thumb

  • Natural position aligned to right
    of target

  • Right elbow slipping

shooting errors 04.png
  • Left elbow too far under the rifle

  • Pressure from left fingers

  • Natural position aligned to left of target

shooting errors 05.png
  • Canting to the left

  • Possible loose sling

shooting errors 06.png
  • Canting to the right

  • Excessive right hand grip

  • Trigger snatch

  • Possible loose sling

shooting errors 07.png
  • Hollow group
    Focus on the foresight not the target

shooting errors 08.png
  • Physical effort may be forcing sights up onto target

  • Butt too high in shoulder

  • Possible loose sling

shooting errors 09.png
  • Canting to the left and right

shooting errors 10.png
  • Physical effort might be forcing sights down onto target
    Butt too low in shoulder
    Sling too tight

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